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Why not hire your own independent contractors or use another field or scheduling service?

  • Local Supervision.  KKI provides local, hands-on management of your project.  Our clients do not need to spend their time and resources dealing with many different independent contractors.  Instead, they have only one point of contact for all of their Washington State shops/jobs.
  • Commitment to Quality.  We strive to provide quality data delivered to the client in a timely manner.
  • Accountability.  As a field service, we understand the importance of maintaining good client relationships, and make the assurance of accuracy and accountability for all data provided to our clients.
  • Experience.  KKI has been in business for 10 years and we plan to continue doing business for many years to come.
  • Low overhead allows KKI the flexibility to work with our clients' budgets.
  • Technology.  While KKI field reps are proficient with good old-fashioned paper and pencil data collection, we have the ability to use any client-provided data collection field devices.  Our field reps have their own (or we arrange access to) internet access for reporting data directly to the client.  Digital photography is available.